Under the Old Testament (Verse 9 – take a way the first refers to the Old Testament which is represented by the Law) the blood of bulls and goats was shed when Israel sinned against God. The problem was that this blood was insufficient to take away sins (Heb. 10:1-8). But under the New Testament (Verse 9 – to establish the second refers to the New Testament which is represented by Grace) there was a single offering that completely and finally once for all time removes sin from those that are sanctified, positionally. This positional sanctification describes a set of people (saints) who have been set apart from sin for the service of God and given a continuing and permanent sinless position before God thru the shed blood of the superior sacrifice, Jesus Christ.
This sanctification could not be provided and sins could not be forgiven with out the shedding of blood from a better sacrifice than that of bulls and goats. So God Himself (the Son of God) came down to earth, put on flesh, dwelt among us, shed his blood and died on curl cross for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day to provide forgiveness to the saints. Because Christ is the superior sacrifice, there is no need to have any more blood sacrifices or offerings for sin. In this we find that the Old Testament (Law) is fulfilled by the New Testament (Grace) which is Christ; and with the work of salvation complete, the saints simply rest in the work of the redeemer, Jesus Christ.
Presented by Deacon Carl Barnes